Start a new adventure with a secret agent named Qube in Geometry Dash Megalodon. Overcome various obstacles to reach the Great White Gang's enemy base.
This game is a 2.1 Easy Demon Level developed Subwoofer. Unlike other versions, this edition features an engaging story about Qube who is a secret agent. He is assigned a mission which is to infiltrate the Great White Gang's enemy base (called the Megalodon) to steal their plans. Although a cube named Red and his gang warned him that this task is really dangerous, he is determined to complete this mission at all costs. Can you help him? After the adventure is over, you can play Geometry Dash Leyak, Geometry Dash Reanimation, and Geometry Dash Unblocked for more adventures.
In this game, you have to control a Qube to overcome various obstacles. Besides, you also need to pass through many portals which will change the appearance and speed of the character. Do your best to reach the destination safely. Then, jump into Chel's car and drive away from the wreckage before the Megalodon explodes.
How to control: Click the left mouse button to jump or fly up.